Here are the pictures of all of the kids' projects for the year with the results of both the Clay City fair and the Clay County fair.
Project 1. Miscellaneous Crafts
He bound this Bible while he was at my mom and dad's house through the month of June in dyed calf skin leather with hair on.
Results: Clay City fair--Reserve Champion, Clay County fair--Reserve Grand Champion. (It will be a State Fair exhibit this year.)
Project 2. Creative Writing
This is a story he wrote about a Husky. This was actually his third attempt at a story. The first one didn't really have a point, and the second was a little far-fetched, so finally he took an old school assignment he wrote for English Composition and turned it into a story the night before.
Results: Clay County Fair--Blue ribbon/Honor Group (he didn't have it finished in time for the Clay City fair.
Project 3: Photography
This project Jay also finished after he got back from my parents', so although quite as last minute as his story, it was still kind of last minute.
Results: Clay County Fair--Blue ribbon (didn't show in the Clay City fair.)
Project 1: Consumer Clothing
In this project, Joy had to do a notebook and purchase an outfit to model. I didn't take a picture of her notebook, but I did get a picture of her at the Fashion Review, which was judged separately.
Results: Clay City fair--Blue Ribbon, Clay County fair--Blue Ribbon/Honor Group, Fashion Review--Blue Ribbon. (According to the score card, the reason she didn't get in the Honor Group for Fashion Review was because she was chewing gum during the judging. Oops.)
Project 2: Foods
Joy made a loaf of whole-wheat bread for this project. Of course, they only exhibit a slice, so the picture didn't do it justice.
Results: Clay County fair--Blue Ribbon. (She didn't show at the Clay City fair because we turned our projects in a week early to go on vacation. We didn't figure week-old bread would do that great.)
Project 1: Cake Decorating
Sarah really had no plan for this cake at all--she just kind of made it up as she went along the night before we had to turn it in. When we went up to my parents' house on Memorial Day my sister Valerie taught her some hints since I don't decorate cakes. I think it turned out really pretty, though, especially for being her first cake.
Results: Clay City fair--Grand Champion, Clay County fair, Red Ribbon. (It was kind of strange going from Grand Champion to red ribbon on the same cake, but it was starting to look a little old by the time it got to the county fair. Plus, different judges see things differently.)
Project 2: Photography
Sarah took a long time working on this project and I thought she did a very nice job.
Results: Clay City fair--Red Ribbon, Clay County fair--Blue Ribbon. (Again, different judges. The only improvement she made from one to the other is putting the exhibit tag on the inside of the plastic instead of on the outside. Maybe that made the difference.)
Project 1: Fine Arts
Abby painted an acrylic painting of three puppies in a basket.
Results: Clay City fair--Blue Ribbon. Clay County fair--Champion. The only thing she did differently was put it in a different frame. The judge at the first fair said the frame was too ornate, so we put it in a simpler frame. It won't be at the State Fair, though, because only Grand/Reserve Grand Champions go to State in the Arts & Crafts projects.
Project 2--Cupcake Decorating
This was a county project only (no State Fair exhibit) but it was very popular. She did this at the last minute--the day before judging. She had a lot of ideas but finally ended up going with her first idea.
Results: Clay County fair--Blue Ribbon/Honor Group. (She didn't show at the city fair for the same reason Joy didn't show her bread there.)
Project 3: Sewing
Abby sewed this adorable sundress. This was the first time she'd sewed anything harder than a coaster, so it was a real challenge for her. This dress wasn't easy, either--it took her a long time and a lot of tearing out seams and redoing them. She also entered Fashion Review, which is judged separately.
Results: Clay City fair--Red Ribbon, Clay County fair--Blue Ribbon/Honor Group, Fashion Review--Blue Ribbon/Honor Group. (The reason she got a Red Ribbon at the city fair is because we forgot to pin her skills card to her dress.)
Project 1: Scrapbooking
Rachel worked really hard on this and had some really interesting layouts. Since I only took a picture of the cover at the fair it doesn't do it justice. One of her layouts had a pressed lily pad from Lake Shakamak. I also loved her layout from our camping trip.
Results: Clay County fair--Red Ribbon. (She didn't show at the Clay City fair because she wanted to wait until after we went to Michigan to do her last layout. The judge at the county fair was very tough and gave out a lot of reds and even white ribbons. No other judge at the fair gave out a single white ribbon, and this judge gave out three. So I think her project was judged unfairly and that any other judge would have given her a blue. She knocked her down because she said Rachel's handwriting wasn't neat enough. She's nine, for heaven's sake! I only hope they don't ask that judge back.
Project 2: Fine Arts
Rachel painted this picture of a mountain scene. This was her first attempt at acrylic painting.
Results: Clay City fair--Blue Ribbon. Clay County fair--Blue ribbon. (Rachel was in the same division as Abby with her puppy picture. She wasn't suprised that Abby did better than she did.)
Project 3: Cake Decorating
Rachel did a cake suprisingly similar to one that her Aunt Valerie did for her beginning year in Cake Decorating.
Results: Clay City fair--Blue Ribbon/Honor Group, Clay County fair--Blue Ribbon. (Note that this judge didn't make a big deal about her handwriting like the Scrapbooking judge did!)
Project 1: Mini Bicycle
In this Mini 4-H project, he had to take some pictures of his bike and write a story about it for his poster. He wrote about how he put stickers on his bike and how the neighbor calls him "Sticker Man."
Results: In Mini 4-H, all of the projects get a blue ribbon.
Project 2: Mini Collections
He had to take three pictures of items in his collection and put them on a poster. His was of his Lego Figurines.
Results: Another blue, of course!
I'm very proud of all of my kids and all the hard work they put into their projects. We have one more fair this year--the State Fair--and we'll go up and see how Jay did on his Bible.
I have another thing I want to blog about, but it's going to have to wait until later. It look long enough doing this post!