Friday, August 03, 2012

Sarah's 13th birthday party

I just had to share some fun pictures of Sarah's birthday party. She turned 13 on August 1, and yesterday she celebrated it with her friends at a big costume party. Since we don't celebrate Halloween, we find other time in our family to dress up. It was an absolute blast, as you can see from the pictures.

Sarah getting dressed up as an avatar. She painted herself blue.  Her friend, Maryssa (who is dressed as Katniss from The Hunger Games) is doing her hair.

These are three more of Sarah's friends--Aubrey (dressed as a graduate), Jackie (dressed as a lady from the 1920's) and her sister, Mary (dressed as a hobo). In this picture they are waiting for everyone to get ready so we could leave for the church, where the party is at.

As soon as we got there I had Erick take a picture of all of us in our costumes. One girl did show up a little later, so she's not in the shot, and of course Erick isn't in it since he took the picture. But he wasn't that much dressed up anyway. He just dressed as a biker and wore his jeans, t-shirt, and a do-rag, which is what he wears most of the time anyway.

Here is Jay in his pirate costume. Earlier he'd drawn some Frankenstein-like stitches on his face with permanant marker. I guess it wasn't too permanant because it looks like he washed it off.

Friend Mishell (dressed as herself) and Abby (dressed as a cowgirl).

Aubrey and Joy (who is dressed as a ballerina, but that's pretty obvious).

Sarah and her friend Sydney, both dressed as Avatars. I love this picture because they look like they are glowing. But today Sarah is going to have to scrub the bathroom because she got blue paint everywhere.

Sarah's friend Kassidy dressed as a nerd. Although someone said she looked like a hipster and I thought they said she looked like a hampster, so I was kind of confused because she doesn't look anything like a hampster.

Timothy in his ninja costume that he got for Christmas a couple of years ago. I'm surprised he still fits it.

Rachel wearing a tae-kwon-do shirt. I don't know where it came from. It was in the costume box, I guess.

I'll put the rest of the pictures on Facebook, because it takes too long to upload them to this blog.

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