Sunday, January 29, 2012

Church stuff

Goodness, life has gotten so busy again! Sometimes it's hard finding a few minutes to blog.

Erick suspended Wednesday night services at church in order to devote his time to Tuesday night youth group. We have about ten kids that come regularly to youth now, plus some more that show up occasionally. Some of the newer ones are actually from the town our church is in instead of being friends that our kids take with them. The first week of February we're going to have a 50s night and so we've been making big Styrofoam cutouts of a '57 Chevy Bel Air, a jukebox, and more.

We've also had a new family coming on Sunday mornings. They were back today, too. Over the past couple of years since we've been at this church we've had people come and stay for awhile and then leave, but we haven't had any sustained growth. We are really praying for a spiritual breakthrough. A long time ago our church went through a split, and we feel that the reason we aren't growing may be tied back to that time period. We have good worship and great teaching, and there's no reason for it not to grow except for a spiritual block. I don't feel like I can share everything here, but please be in prayer for our church. This year is going to be a turning point.

In the meantime, we have been attending some services when we can at a church that is in revival. It is led by one of the presbyters in the Assemblies of God and his church has regular outpouring services. We went last Friday and we're going again tonight. God is moving and we want to catch that fire.

One other thing we're doing at our church is a drama class for homeschoolers. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and so I offered it free for Jr. and Sr. High aged homeschoolers in our community. I had our first class last Friday and I had a great turnout--there were seventeen students there, not including Rachel and Timothy who participated anyway. We made Greek masques out of paper mache and they all had fun. I'll have to take some pictures of our class next week when we paint them.

1 comment:

Matt Phelps said...

Oh the Drama (get it, hahaha)