Sunday, October 23, 2011

April 22, 2009--Resignation

Today Erick resigned as the pastor of Shiloh Assembly of God. This decision was made this week after discovering that although they had said they were in support of the changes we were making and indeed had voted in favor of them, they didn't really agree with what we were doing after all. We came to the realization that there were many issues they had that they hadn't brought up before. Ultimately, the reason we had to step down was because the vision the board has for this church isn't the same vision that God has given us, and we can't stay there any longer and operate under that vision.

They are going to let us keep all of the skateboard equipment, and we want to stay in the area and still go ahead with the outreach planned. We're going to see if one of the other churches in the area would like to help us with that. We have as long as we need to find another place. We're praying and seeking the Lord about where to go next. I know He'll take care of us.

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