Monday, October 24, 2011

December 25, 2010--Christmas

Merry Christmas! After the last couple of months of Christmas season business, it's hard to believe that another Christmas has finally come. This year I had to work Christmas Eve, but the managers did a wonderful job of making sure there were enough workers on the service desk this time and we were able to get everything cleaned up and shut down by 8:00 p.m. Erick had just finished installing our new fireplace and we tried it out Christmas Eve. It made the house so cozy.

Christmas started out rather disappointing, because one of my sisters who was planning to come out to our house had to cancel at the last minute due to vehicle troubles. Another brother and his wife weren't able to make it either, so it was my mom and dad and five of my siblings, plus my brother-in-law and his wife. I had to scrounge up a few presents to make up for the ones that wouldn't be brought for the gift exchange and fix a last-minute sweet potato casserole, but we were able to manage.

We opened our presents early. Jay got a guitar, a tuner, a pocket knife, and a skateboard. Joy got a bathrobe, a pearl bracelet, an Mp3 layer, and a nail art set. Sarah got a bathrobe, a pearl bracelet, a purse, and a PS2 game. Abby got a Paper Jams guitar, a PS2 game, a pearl bracelet, and a lipstick shaped bank with Lisa Frank stickers and things in it. Rachel got a pair of binoculars, a pearl bracelet, a PS2 game, and an Ants in the Pants game. Timothy got a Nerf gun, a Nerf battle axe, a ninja costume, and sidewalk chalk. Erick got a tie, a hammer, a neck massager, and a router and table combo. I got a necklace and earring set, a set of plastic storage containers, a purse, and a new camera.

We had a relaxing day, and then everyone came at about 4:00 p.m. and stayed until about 8:00. I got to hold my newest baby nephew, and he's so tiny! Since we are going up to visit our families again for New Year's, we let my littlest sister stay here for the week and our oldest son went home with my family.

We had a very nice Christmas overall.

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