Tuesday, October 25, 2011

August 13, 201--Praising God! (new job)

Here I haven't posted all summer, and now I'm posting three times in the last week!

We just found out yesterday that Erick got the bank job he'd applied for. We are so excited! It had been three months since he had applied for it, but we just felt like this was the one God had for him. It's perfect. It's in the same town as our church so he can build relationships with people, and the hours are perfect. At a bank, we don't have to worry about it conflicting with church hours, since banks are never open on Sundays or Wednesday nights. It's days, so it won't conflict with my schedule. It's not going to hurt his elbow. It's the right amount of hours--not too many, and not too few. Trying to find a job like this was so difficult, because there are very few businesses in that town. There's an IGA, a Dollar General, an A&W and a couple of gas stations, a few small family owned restaurants, used car lots, and other small businesses, but that's about it. The bank was really the only place that wouldn't require him to work odd shifts. We are just praising God that He opened the doors so Erick could get this job.

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