Monday, October 24, 2011

February 11, 2011--Update

Erick didn't get the chaplaincy job. He was the second choice, but they hired a retired minister who had a certification that Erick didn't have. They did say they really liked Erick and requested to keep his information in case the first guy didn't work out. In the meantime, he's thinking of going ahead and getting the surgery on his elbow, now that it looks like he'll have the time to recover. Workman's Comp should pay for the surgery and give him money to live on while he's doing that, and then we can decide what to do next.

I also wanted to share a kind of amusing story from work. I was in the break room, and one of my co-workers said, "Well, Lisa, I think I'm going to buy me a Dr. Pepper. I usually get Coke, but my dentist said I need to stop drinking them. They have too much sugar and they are giving me cavities. Those Cokes--they are really bad for you!"

I said, "Okay, but Dr. Pepper has sugar in it, too."

He stopped and looked at me in amazement. "Really?" he said. Then he sighed, walked back to the other machine, and said, "I guess I'll just get the Coke then."

True story.

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