Saturday, October 22, 2011

February 20, 2009--Sweetheart banquet

Here are a few pictures from our Valentine's Day banquet.

The dinner turned out really nice. The food was delicious, the games went over really well, and we watched "Fireproof" afterwards and everyone really enjoyed it.

It was a nice Valentine's Day. We ate too much candy, but it was fun. The kids all enjoyed making tons of valentines for everyone. One of them (I think it was Joy) tried to set us up though, at least I assume that's what was going on. I found a valentine on the computer addressed to me from "secret edmierer" that said to "meet me in your room at 3:00pm." There was another one addressed to my husband from a "secret edmierer" as well, telling him the same thing--"Meet me in your room at 3:00pm". I think she was hoping that I'd think mine was from him, and vice versa and that we'd both meet in the room at 3:00. I think it was sweet, although it didn't exactly work out since I didn't find Erick's until a few days after I found mine when I was cleaning off the pile of junk that accumulates on the ledge in the livingroom.

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