Monday, October 24, 2011

December 9, 2010--Women's Convention and Holes

I went to the Indiana District Women's convention this last weekend, and had a blast. I'm not going to blog about everything, because I have a lot to get done today, but I did want to tell a funny story. They have one workshop period just for pastor's wives and credentialed women. It's not really a workshop, just more of a fellowship time. They always have a chocolate fountain and all sorts of goodies to dip into it--strawberries, pretzels, pineapple chunks, marshmallows, cookies, etc. There were several round tables with chairs, and the ladies sat around the tables. On the middle of each table was a door prize. The lady in charge of the workshop told us all to reach under our chairs, and if there was a yellow sticky note stuck to the bottom of our chair, that meant we won a door prize. I reached under, and felt a small piece of paper hanging loosely. I was so excited that I had won, and I pulled it off, only to discover it was the tag to the chair! I looked around, and all of the other women had done the exact same thing. We were all sitting there around those tables holding chair tags in our hands. I laughed so hard.

I really enjoyed the convention. I won a door prize for the first time there--a teddy bear wearing a necklace. I also bought a scarf from a booth they had in the hallway. These scarves were made by women in India who were rescued from the slave trade, and the money from their products is sent back to them to support them.

After the convention, Erick came and met me and took me to see Holes. I needed to see a play for one of my school assignments, and I was so excited to see this one. It was so well done, and they used a mechanical stage with holes and trapdoors and a conveyor belt. It was so cool!

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