Sunday, October 23, 2011

June 23, 2009--I'm back!

I've been offline for about a week. Maybe longer. I think this is a record for me. We ran out of megabytes on our plan again. We get five gigs a month on this plan, and it's actually the biggest plan they had. When we move, we're going to switch to DSL. I'm tired of running out of megabytes early. It'll also be a lot cheaper, even adding in the cancellation fee for our broadband service.

We close on our house next Monday, and we'll be moving a week from tomorrow. I'm so excited!

Oh, btw, I hear that some of my old friends at Shiloh are following my blog. Welcome! I hope you enjoy reading it! :)

In the past week while I've been away from the computer we've stayed busy with 4-H projects. Joy and Sarah are taking Home Environment. I never got to take that as a kid, so I hope they're doing this right. We talked to one of the 4-H ladies who goes to our church about it, and she gave us a lot of hints so hopefully they'll do a good job. They can make a hanging item or a storage item for their room using color. They share a room, so they're making their projects match. We went to some yard sales and Joy found a hanging wooden lantern and Sarah found a spice rack, the kind that turns around and has the spice bottles in holes in the sides, four to a side. They are painting them yellow and they are going to stencil pink flowers on the sides. Joy is going to put a fake ivy plant in the lantern (she removed the glass and the electric candle in the middle). Sarah dumped out all the spices from the bottles and glued pink fabric and ribbon trim on the lids, and she's going to label the bottles with things like bobby pins and lip gloss and safety pins and other little items.

Jay went frog gigging with some of the boys and men from church last Friday. I'd never heard of frog gigging before, but I guess it's a big deal. You shine a flashlight in the frogs' eyes and then stab them with this pointy spear-like fork. Sounds gross to me, but he was the best frog gigger of the bunch. Jay caught 15 frogs--more than any other of the men and boys who went. He even skinned them himself, something some of the other boys didn't want to do, and then he came home and fried them himself. I did try a little. I think it tasted okay, but it was difficult to get past the fact that it was a frog.

In other news, one of Erick's sisters and her husband and two kids came down to visit Saturday and also one of his brothers, and we took them to Merom Bluff and went down the cliff. We had a lot of fun with them. We also grilled hamburgers over an open fire and had s'mores and set off fireworks. My niece is such a pretty baby. I had so much fun holding her and rocking her. She has the prettiest blue eyes.

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